Sunday 7 September 2014

New Computer Curriculum

Mon 8th
Tue 9th
 School swimming lessons begin today
Wed 10th
Thu 11th
Fri 12th

The subject previously called ICT is now called Computing.  The school is now fully networked and has a new computer suite in Mrs Stopher's old room.

Children will be given lessons in coding.  It is going to be exciting and challenging for all pupils and staff.

If you have an ipad, there are a whole range of apps which introduce you to the new world of coding.

Cato's Hike: A Programming and Logic Odyssey

Tynker - Learn programming with visual code blocks

Daisy the Dinosaur

Kodable Pro

Lightbot - Programming Puzzles

Move the Turtle. Programming for kids

There are many others available.  Most classes will be using SCRATCH.  It is free to download and is available here

Have fun and if you make anything you would like to share with the rest of the school - show it Mr Britten and he can put it on the blog.