Sunday 27 October 2013


October 2013
Sun 27th

Mon 28th

Tue 29th

Wed 30th

Thu 31st

November 2013
Fri 1st


Quiz of the week
Which country in the world has the largest percentage of Hindus?
Joke of the week
Thursday is Halloween. Here are a few jokes you can tell at a Halloween Party.
Q. Why wasn't there any food left after the monster party?
A. Because everyone was a goblin!
Q. What is a mummy's favourite type of music?
A. Rap music.
Q. Where do baby ghosts go when their mom goes to work?
A. A scare centre!
Q. What is a skeleton's favourite instrument?
A. The trombone.
Q. Where do movie stars go on Halloween?
A. MaliBOO!
Q. Why didn't Dracula have any friends?
A. He was a pain in the neck!
Q. What does a bird say at Halloween?
A. "Twick or tweet."
Q. What does a panda ghost eat?
A. Bam-BOO!
Q. What do you call a skeleton that lies on its grave?
A. Lazy bones!
Q. What did one casket say to the other casket?
A. "Is that you coffin?" (coughing)
Q. Who did Dracula bring to the prom?
A. His ghoul friend.
Q. What key opens a Haunted House?
A. A spooKEY!
Q. What is Dracula's favourite fruit?
A. A nectarine.
Q. What did the mummy ghost say to the noisy young ghost who kept interrupting?
A. "Spook when you're spooken to."
Q. What kind of mail does a superstar vampire get?
A. Fang mail.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Have an enjoyable half term!

World Food Day•16 October 2013
Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations

About this year’s design
Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000) used bright colours and organic forms to express a reconciliation of humans with nature, notions that echo this year’s World Food Day theme. Image courtesy of the Hundertwasser Foundation.

About World Food Day

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations marks World Food Day each year on 16 October, the day on which the Organization was founded in 1945.
The objectives of World Food Day are to:
  • encourage attention to agricultural food production and to stimulate national, bilateral, multilateral and non-governmental efforts to this end;
  • encourage economic and technical cooperation among developing countries;
  • encourage the participation of rural people, particularly women and the least privileged categories, in decisions and activities influencing their living conditions;
  • heighten public awareness of the problem of hunger in the world;
  • promote the transfer of technologies to the developing world; and
  • strengthen international and national solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty and draw attention to achievements in food and agricultural development.
Did you know?

One out of every four children in the world under the age of five is
stunted. This means 165 million children who are so malnourished
they will never reach their full physical and cognitive potential.
About 2 billion people in the world
lack vitamins and minerals that
are essential for good health.
Some 1.4 billion people are overweight. Of these,
about one-third are obese and at risk of coronary
heart disease, diabetes or other health problems.

Quiz of the week
Well done to Mrs Venn who correctly answered last week’s question.  This week is food related.
Which of the following foods contain the most calories?
A McDonalds Hamburger
A Starbucks blueberry muffin
A large caramel latte
A medium portion of chips from KFC

Jokes of the week
"Waiter, waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup? I think it's the backstroke, sir."

"Two peanuts walk into a really rough bar. Unfortunately, one was a salted."

"Knock knock who's there? Lettuce...Lettuce who? Lettuce in & we'll tell you!"

"What does Dr. Who eat with his pizza? Dalek bread!"

Sunday 6 October 2013

Monday 7th October

Mon 7th
 Y5/6 Panto rehearsals start- every Monday 4-5
Tue 8th
U9 and U11 boys Football - Birmingham
Wed 9th
 Thu 10th
 Fri 11th
 Sat 12th

World Space Week 2013 is all about what many consider the Next Frontier: the planet Mars. Humanity is quickly conquering this new frontier. Mars Curiosity is the largest rover ever brought to another planet, discovering new features of the Red Planet every day. In 2018 the first people will get a chance to see the planet from up close through Dennis Tito's Inspiration mars fly-by mission, while several organizations are planning the first manned landing mission, some time in the next two decades.

Joke of the week
What do you think of that new restaurant on the moon?
The food’s great but it has no atmosphere.

Quiz of the week.
Only 12 men have walked on the moon.  If you listed them alphabetically, who would be last on the list?