Monday 23 April 2012

Normandy Day 1

Day 1 – The Longest Day

We have arrived at the Chateau!

We set off from school at 8.30am and arrived, as expected, at 11.30pm local time. Some of the stronger mathematicians in the group worked out it had taken “about” 58 hours. I’m not wholly convinced by their calculations. It was surely longer than that.

The journey itself was trouble free. We arrived at Portsmouth with time for lunch and were then escorted on board first. Rosie and Faith were far from impressed by the size of our vessel. “Something this big surely can’t float!” said Faith; “I would rather go in a canoe” said Rosie. Their fears were eased, especially when they found out that there aren’t any icebergs in the English Channel.

The crossing was long but fairly calm and we all managed to get to France without seeing our lunch again. Even some of the girls, who attempted to eat their own body weight in Toblerone, didn’t feel the need to use sick bags which were, worryingly, available in every corner of the ship.

An evening meal was purchased by all. There was a large selection to choose from. Unsurprisingly, chicken nuggets and chips were seen on most plates. James P was determined to have the complete “French experience” and ordered fish and chips.

Almost to the second, we arrived at the Chateau at the expected time of 11.30pm. The children were guided to their rooms by a delightful member of staff who was, I think, called Boo Boo. My French is as good as most English men i.e. hopeless but we did manage to not only find our rooms but also were given a hot chocolate and a tea for the professor! Whoever he might be?

The boys settled down very quickly and are, as I type, silent! It’s been a very long day but, as always, the children have been a pleasure to be with and have been praised for their good behaviour by everyone who has met them.

What will tomorrow bring? Who knows! I’m sure Boo Boo will be around to help us and I will keep an eye open for the tea drinking professor. He may be able to teach us some magic tricks for the talent show later in the week.