Tuesday 27 March 2012


About Easter

Jesus Christ died on a cross on a Friday almost two thousand years ago. Christians believe that on the following Sunday, Christ rose from the dead and, in doing so, proved that He is the Son of God. The day Jesus died and was buried is known as Good Friday. The following Sunday is Easter.
Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Son of God each year between March 22nd and April 25th (the first Sunday after the vernal equinox).

Religious celebrations include family gatherings and special Easter church services.

So where do the Bunnies come in?

In olden times, Christian monks were very good at explaining their religion to those who hadn't heard of God or Jesus. They almost always took symbols of significance of the people they were teaching and used those symbols to teach about God.

The timing of Easter was such that it coincided with the spring festivals of many pagan religions. (In northern Europe, the goddess of spring was Eostre -- some people say that Easter may have even gotten its name from this goddess).

These spring festivals celebrated the wakening of the world after spring. Luckily, this "awakening" went very well with the monks teaching of Jesus' resurrection! The ideas of the rebirth of spring were merged with the Christian teachings of Jesus resurrection to form the Easter holiday most of us know today.

Easter jokes
What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

Hot cross bunnies!

How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?

EGG-xercise and HARE-robics!

What's the difference between a counterfeit dollar bill and a crazy rabbit?

One is bad money, the other is a mad bunny!

Why did the Easter egg hide?

He was a little chicken!

Knock knock

Who's there?


Esther who?

Esther Bunny!

How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?

Only one – after that it’s not empty any more!

Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?

It might crack up!

What’s yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees?

The Easter Bunana!

How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has been?

Eggs (X) marks the spot!

How did the Easter Bunny rate the Easter parade?

He said it was eggs-cellent!

How do you catch the Easter Bunny?

Hide in a bush and make a noise like a carrot!

What do you call a rabbit that tells good jokes?

A funny bunny!

What’s the best way to send a letter to the Easter Bunny?

Hare mail!

Why does the Easter Bunny have a shiny nose?

Because the powder puff is on the other end!

How does the Easter Bunny travel?

By hare plane!

How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur neat?

With a hare brush!

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

It’s been nice gnawing you!

How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?

Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?

With a hare-dryer!

How does a rabbit keep his fur looking good?

With hare spray!

What kinds of books do bunnies like?

Ones with hoppy endings!

I hope all Salterford Children have a safe and happy Easter and return after the holiday for an action packed summer term.