Thursday 18 June 2015

Cranedale 2015 Day 4

Cranedale 2015  
Day 4 
Breakfast - The children were looking tired this morning but still managed to fill up on a choice of cereal, toast, juice, bacon, sausage, egg, beans and hash browns. 

We spent the first part of the morning returning to the traps we set last night.  There was a moth trap and five small mammal traps - all humane.  From these traps we managed to catch the sum total of one moth!  Luckily, we happen to find a moth sitting on a wheelbarrow next to the moth trap.  Ellie was terrified - I think she thought the moth was mocking us.  

Today's main focus was adaptation.  The children spent most of the day on the North Yorkshire Moors.  This included a two mile walk over various terrain and a river study.  Louis and Benjamin were dressed up as a carnivore and prey.  The children had to equip them with various adaptations to survive in the wild.  Louis has sharp teeth, large flippers and an increased lung function.  Benjamin had a wooly hat and two feather dusters.  Who said science was dull! 

Lunch was eaten at the side of a stream and the children had a variety of sandwiches, fruit and a cookie about the size of a football.   

After the river study, the children made their way back up the valley and discovered an ancient burial site which Harry thought was a toilet.  I think this was due to the fact that there was so much sheep droppings there.   

Toilets were very much the main topic of conversation on the moors today.  This is due to the lack of them.  They boys were fully prepared to have a "wild wee" at every opportunity.  The girls took the camel approach and rationed their fluid intake for the entire afternoon.   

The last game of the afternoon was called "Fox and Grouse".  The object of the game is to avoid being eaten by the fox.  The best defence is to hide in the heather.  Harmoni's decision to wear a bright pink jumper meant that she was eaten pretty quickly whilst Joe's darker attire proved more successful.  

Evening meal 
Starter: Tomato soup 
Main: Roast pork, roast potatoes, stuffing, peas, carrots, gravy and apple sauce 
Dessert: Chocolate sponge cake and cream 
Cheese and biscuits 

The children spent the evening using microscopes to look closely at some of the creatures captured in the river.  This will be followed with the last opportunity to purchase some high quality gifts from the shop although some may prefer to buy a load of sweets instead.