Sunday 6 July 2014

Swimming Gala

July 2014
Mon 7th
Tue 8th
Year 5 Cricket at Trent
Years 1 and 2 Swimming Gala 9-10
Transition and Kindergarten Sports
Year 3 swimming
Prizegiving Dress Rehearsal 6pm-9pm
Wed 9th
Thu 10th
Year 2 Graduation 11a.m.
Fri 11th
Transition and Kindergarten Trip to Ferry Farm

After the excitement of the upper school gala, it is now the turn of the lower school.  For many of the children, this is their first gala and they are going to be nervous. 
The lower school gala is a great opportunity for the children to show how much progress they have made during the year.  Some have only just gained their 5m badge.  I hope they are all able to enjoy the experience and receive support for their efforts.