Sunday 9 March 2014

Winter Paralympics

Mon 10th

U9 Netball Football v Highfields
4-5pm Romeo and Juliet Rehearsal
8 50am Year 2 Assembly

Tue 11th 
Sun 16th

The 2014 Paralympic Winter Games began on Friday. You can see all the action on Channel 4. Imagine being blind and skiing down a mountain at 70mph!

Quiz of the week

How many players on a sledge hockey team?

Jokes of the week

A classic group of Doctor, Doctor jokes this week.

Doctor Doctor I swallowed a bone.
Are you choking?
No, I really did!

Doctor, Doctor I think I need glasses
You certainly do, Sir, this is a fish and chip shop!

Doctor, Doctor my son has swallowed my pen, what should I do?
Use a pencil ‘till I get there

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a bell?
Take these and if it doesn't help give me a ring!

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm suffering from Deja Vu!
Didn't I see you yesterday?

Doctor, Doctor I've got wind! Can you give me something?
Yes - here's a kite!