Sunday 9 September 2012

Week beginning Monday 10th September

Welcome to the first full week of term.  Salterford children will be back on timetable and homework will begin!

Monday 10th September At the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Abebe Bikila becomes the first sub-Saharan African to win a gold medal, winning the marathon in bare feet.

Tuesday 11th September 

Wednesday 12th September 490 BC – Battle of Marathon: The conventionally accepted date for the Battle of Marathon. The Athenians and their Plataean allies, defeat the first Persian invasion force of Greece.

Thursday 13th September

Friday 14th September 1741 – George Frideric Handel completes his oratorio Messiah

Quiz of the week
Each week there will be a general knowledge question posted on the blog and printed on the notice board.  A red square will be given to the child with the first correct answer.

How far is the modern marathon?

Joke of the week
Q. What is a runner's favourite subject in school ? A. Jog-raphy !

Get involved
It would be great if children could get involved with the blog.  If you have any jokes, questions, pictures, poems etc you would like to see on here, please give them to Mr Britten.