Friday 24 June 2011

Cranedale Day 5

We have got back safely and are probably all very tired and ready for bed by now.  The last day was spent playing "Survival" in the woods.  It's a fantastic game.  All the children had fun and really got into all the concepts involved in the game.  I don't want to say too much about the game in case any year fives are reading this and |I don't want to spoil it for them.
Miss V and Mr Britten would like to thank all the children  for their excellent effort this week and their superb attitude and behaviour.  Cranedale Staff all complemented the children after all the sessions.
All that's left is...

30 things I found out at Cranedale
1. You can buy wellies in every colour under the sun.
2. Purple coats make everyone look cool.
3. Oliver P doesn’t share his polos.
4. Miss V doesn’t drink tea.
5. When you are active, you can eat a full English breakfast, every morning , without gaining weight (hopefully).
6. Lee thinks a shower is the same as a rain shower.
7. Oliver S thinks everything is improved by mermaid tears.
8. Jordan is fantastic at hiding in heather.
9. Mr Britten knows very little about fashion.
10. Elise now knows why boys go behind a tree.
11. Red eyed crabs are evil and need to be destroyed.
12. A packed lunch is not for sitting on.
13. Olivia can do an uncanny impression of a headless chicken in most games that involve running.
14. Harry can survive without video games for a lot longer than he thinks.
15. Rain comes in a variety of different forms.
16. You can never be too dry or too warm.
17. A flask is useful in June.
18. Josh A can bounce on a low rope.
19. Rebecca can leave a clean plate at breakfast.
20. Feather dusters are similar to fish gills.
21. Playing tag is the same as learning about eco-systems.
22. Nicole can fit more in a rucksack than anyone else on the planet.
23. Josh W can be heard from space.
24. Most things are either “sick”, “well good” or “very niiice”
25. Sam has been to a lot of steam fairs.
26. For a swimmer, Oliver B doesn’t like getting wet.
27. Other schools cry and moan, Salterford House sing and skip up a mountain.
28. Shortbread warms you up.
29. Alex P has a career in perfume to look forward to.
30. Five days go by very quickly